While playing board games face-to-face is the best, you can learn a lot of games online versus various opponents, especially when you can't get a group together.
Published on July 5, 2006 By kdevine In DesktopX
I am currently using DesktopX as a menu'ing program for our children's gaming computers. I have been having a problem with the games resetting the resolution to 640x480 and not returning it to the correct resolution to see the menu properly. I would like to know if I can script a timer to check when 0 programs are running and switch the resolution to 1024x768? Can someone help me with this? The graphical parts are easy for me, but the scripting stumps me.

Thank you,
Kevin Devine
Euclid Public Library
on Jul 07, 2006
Ok, I wrote a small application to reset the resolution, but I have run into an additional problem...

Is there a way to refresh the screen to update these buttons? The problem I am running into is that some of these games reset the resolution and don't set it back when it returns to the desktop. These are kiosk-type computers, so the user does not have access to any Control Panels.

Any help would be appreciated,
Kevin Devine
on Jul 07, 2006
Are you using DesktopX Enterprise edition? That's the best fit for kiosks. Maybe Stardock could donate it to the library? sales@stardock.com

Are the "leftover" buttons active objects or just leftover images?

Here's a code sample that refreshes the desktop using sendkeys. Maybe you could create a object that runs this code on click or on timer.

' Desktop.vbs - to Refresh Icons on the Desktop
' Example VBScript with Sleep and err.number
' Author Jeremy H. & Guy Thomas http://computerperformance.co.uk/
' Version 2.3 - October 2005
' -------------------------------------------------------------'
Option Explicit
Dim WSHShell, strDesktop
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strDesktop = WSHShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
WSHShell.AppActivate strDesktop
WScript.Sleep 500
WSHShell.SendKeys "{F5}"
If err.number = 0 then
WScript.Echo "Desktop Refreshed "
Else WScript "Error " & err.number
err.number = 0
End if

' End of VBScript to refresh the desktop

on Jul 12, 2006
Unforutnately, that script didn't help. I noticed that when I change the resolution through the program (which is the green button), it doesn't redraw the screen (as if the resolution is not passed to each program.

Is there a way to change the screen resolution using DesktopX?